2009 Masao Horiba Winners


Surface Analysis for Semiconductor Related Materials

Award winners and corresponding research

Outline of the 2009 Masao Horiba Awards

Screening Committee for the 2009 Masao Horiba Awards

  • Honorary Chairperson:
    Masao Horiba
    Supreme Counsel
    HORIBA, Ltd.

  • Chairperson:
    Atsushi Horiba
    Chairman, President and CEO
    HORIBA, Ltd.

  • Deputy Chairperson:
    Yohichi Gohshi
    Executive Auditor, University of Tsukuba
    Fellow, International Institute for Advanced Studies

  • Judges:
    Tsuguo Sawada
    Program Officer
    Japan Science and Technology Agency
    Emeritus Professor of the University of Tokyo

    Kouichi Tsuji
    Graduate School of Engineering
    Osaka City University

    Hideyuki Ishida
    Executive Vice President
    Director of Research Division
    Toray Research Center, Inc.

    George Thompson
    OBE FREng,
    Deputy Head of the School of Materials
    The University of Manchester

    Kiyoaki Hara
    HORIBA STEC, Co., Ltd.

    Nobuyuki Naka
    Semiconductor Systems R&D Dept.
    HORIBA, Ltd.

*The organization and the title are those when awarded

Award ceremony

Ceremony at Shirankaikan, Kyoto Univerisity, 19th October, 2009
