2016 Masao Horiba Winners


The Field of Sensing, Data Fusion and Algorithm Development for Automotive Autonomous Vehicle Applications

Award winners and corresponding research

Outline of the 2016 Masao Horiba Awards

Screening Committee for the 2016 Masao Horiba Awards

  • Chairperson:
    Atsushi Horiba
    Chairman, President and CEO
    HORIBA, Ltd.

  • Deputy Chairperson:
    Yoshihiro Suda
    Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo

  • Judges:
    Paul Newman
    Department of Engineering Science, BP Professor of Information Engineering, University of Oxford

    Ichiro Kageyama
    Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Nihon University, Center for Automotive Research

    Harutoshi Ogai
    Production and Systems, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Information, Waseda University

    Satoshi Fujii
    Unit Manager, Resilience Research Unit, Department of Urban Management, Kyoto University

    Yasuyuki Sado
    Deputy Department Manager
    Telematics R&D Department, Product R&D Center 2, HORIBA, Ltd.

    Kazuhiro Shiomi
    Business Owner
    Automotive Segment Strategy Office, Corporate & Segment Strategy Division, HORIBA, Ltd.

*The organization and the title are those when awarded

Award ceremony

Ceremony at Shirankaikan, Kyoto Univerisity, 17th October, 2016
